PhotoVivo.com is a photography community and hub where both amateur and professional photographers meet and share their works and resources. PhotoVivo also organises photography related activities which include photography exhibitions, seminars, local outings, oversea photography trips and photography competitions.
Some of its high profile activities amongst others include the annual “Singapore My Home” photography competition held in conjunction with the National Day celebrations as well as “Enchantment of the Sea” fundraising photography exhibition held at Paragon Shopping Centre in February 2008 which raised more than S$100,000 from the sale of Margaret Pang’s underwater photographs, greeting cards and books in aid of the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped.
The PhotoVivo.com membership is FREE and within half a year of its formation since August 2007, it has more than 1100 amateur and professional photographers in its list. As of February 2013, its database consists of 8000 photographers. Do join us now by email to admin@sandvengroup.com and be part of this active photography community.
Gain recognition for your achievements in photography with Photovivo’s Distinction titles. Photovivo’s Distinctions are acknowledged as measures of achievement. There is no better way of improving your photographic skills than by working towards the Distinctions, as many members have discovered. Being awarded a Distinction title gives the photographers the satisfaction of knowing that the quality of their work is recognised by the best in the field. Distinctions are awarded either on the basis of a portfolio of work which is assessed by a panel of experts, or by exemption for qualifications already held.
The team which runs PhotoVivo.com comprises of professional and serious amateur photographers who have many years of experience in conducting photography related activities. PhotoVivo’s Honorary Patron is Mr Kwek Leng Joo and our Special Advisor is Mr David Tay Poey Cher. PhotoVivo.com is part of Sandven Group which also operates Knowledge Bowl Training & Consultancy. Knowledge Bowl conducts a range of digital photography courses which cater to the every need of the digital photographers. One of its most popular courses is the DSLR Basic Photography Course, which has at least a new batch every month. More of the courses can be found on www.knowledgebowl.com.sg
Activities of PhotoVivo can be found on the PhotoVivo Forum www.photovivo.com/forum
PhotoVivo.com是一个摄影界和枢纽,业余和专业摄影师见面并分享他们的作品和资源。 PhotoVivo还组织了摄影相关的活动,包括摄影展,研讨会,地方郊游,海外摄影之旅和摄影比赛。
获得认可,为您的摄影成就与Photovivo的区别冠军。 Photovivo的区别是公认的成就措施。还有就是提高你的摄影技巧比对工作的区别没有更好的办法,因为不少市民发现。被授予区分所有权给摄影师知道他们的工作质量是最好的在该领域公认的满意度。优授予任何工作组合是由专家组成的评审委员会评审的基础上,或豁免已持有资格。
它运行PhotoVivo.com团队包括专业和认真的业余摄影师谁拥有多年从事摄影相关活动的经验。 PhotoVivo的名誉赞助人是郭令裕和我们的特别顾问大卫先生泰Poey雪儿。PhotoVivo.com是Sandven集团的一部分,该公司还经营知识碗培训与咨询。知识碗进行了一系列的数码摄影课程,照顾到每一个需要的数码摄影师。它的一个最受欢迎的课程是数码单反摄影基础课,每月有至少一个新的批次。更多的课程可以上www.knowledgebowl.com.sg发现